So is there anything to zodiac compatibility. Does your astrological sign really have anything to do with who your ideal mate is. Or who can be the best friend for you. Is there a reason why some siblings are rivals for life, while others are as close as twins.
Now sometimes, we’re not too sure just how right-on these astrological profiles are. I mean, consider Virgo (August 23 – September 22), your intrepid author’s sign. Virgos are universally considered to be very buttoned-down, methodical and detail-oriented. Geesh. Meticulous and reliable. I have to wonder if my mother didn’t lie about my birthdate. I’m about as flaky and they come and as far as methodical is concerned, I never do anything the same way twice.
Love blogging and making love :P

Is there a creature on the planet more magnificent than the Tiger. We think not, and that’s not even our sign. On our Chinese restaurant menu today, here’s how they describe the Tiger: If you were born in the years 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986 or 1998, you’re a Tiger. Tiger people are aggressive, courageous, candid and sensitive. Look to the Horse and Dog for happiness. Beware of the Monkey.
Tigers are born leaders. The Tiger is the third Sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is a Yang Sign and most closely associated with the Wood Element. Recent Tiger years have been 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998. The Tiger is a very changeable person, with a potent natural ability that is often in great danger of being abused. They are either leaders or rebels.
Tigers are born leaders. The Tiger is the third Sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is a Yang Sign and most closely associated with the Wood Element. Recent Tiger years have been 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998. The Tiger is a very changeable person, with a potent natural ability that is often in great danger of being abused. They are either leaders or rebels.
Love blogging and making love :P

Tropical astrology
Tropical Astrology is the old astrological division of the sky. When the Zodiac was invented, the position of the constellations were written down. But since then, the whole Zodiac has shifted almost a whole sign due to the Precession, so whoever was once born a Virgo, is now probably born a Leo - with the personality changes that come with it. Tropical Astrology ignores this, and keeps using the old tables - which have nothing to do with where the planets actually are in the sky.
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Think about characteristics of a Bull other than the well-known phrase of bull-headed. Taureans (April 21 to May 21) are steadfast, loyal, grounded. They are stable and balanced. They’re smart without being overly intellectual. They’re not likely to strike out for the unknown, but will prefer familiar territory. They’re patient, reliable and loving.
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